Katz Radio Group

Radio Ensures Results for Auto Insurer

Written by Admin | Jul 29, 2021 5:00:00 PM

Auto Insurance • Brand Lift


An auto insurance provider turned to AM/FM radio in 2021 to boost brand health metrics in several key markets. The brand utilized a mix of pre-produced and on-air personality-voiced spots to help drive awareness and consideration among listeners. In order to gauge radio's effectiveness, Katz partnered with Veritonic to conduct a Pre-Post analysis of the campaign. 

The study found that the auto insurance provider's investment in radio advertising successfully drove both brand awareness and consideration among consumers. The insurance provider gained an incremental +8% lift in awareness and +5% lift in consideration in the post-wave of fieldwork. 

Click gray circle to enlarge. 



The client wanted to understand the value of utilizing on-air influencers in local markets so the study also looked at performance by listeners likely exposed to those personality-voiced spots. After the campaign, listeners to stations featuring personality-voiced spots saw larger increases in key metrics compared to non-listeners of those stations. Personality-voiced spots were able to break through and resonate with listeners, leading to higher levels of awareness and consideration. 

Click gray circle to enlarge chart.


The auto insurance brand's goal was to boost brand health metrics, and they successfully utilized both pre-recorded spots and local on-air influencers to achieve it. The brand continues to invest in radio, confident that it drives results.