Katz Radio Group

Radio Drives Local Initiatives and Engagement for CPG

Written by Admin | Feb 18, 2021 6:00:00 PM

CPG Brand • Web Lift

A major consumer packaged goods company launched a series of local outreach initiatives in 2020 and utilized radio during 3rd and 4th Quarters to drive awareness and engagement. Katz partnered with AnalyticOwl to test the effectiveness of radio in driving web traffic for these initiatives in two key markets, while examining the role creative and on-air personalities play in campaign performance.

The study showed that radio successfully drove an incremental +28% in web traffic to the CPG's initiative sites over the two 4-week flights. Radio was a massive driver of awareness and engagement for the programs, as evidenced by the huge amount of web visitation occurring when the radio campaign kicked in. In fact, on-air days outperformed off-air days by more than +10,000%. Off-air days included the week prior to the campaigns starting, and weekends, which had no spots running.

On-air personality endorsements performed +59% better than campaign average at delivering web visits per spot airing. The brand included Spanish language stations in one market, which delivered 29% of all web traffic, and performed +30% better than the overall campaign average at delivering visits per spot airing.

Click gray circle to enlarge. 


The CPG brand's goal was to drive awareness and engagement with their local outreach initiatives, and ultimately capitalized on the strength of radio's influence in their local communities to achieve it. By utilizing on-air influencers, as well as including Spanish language copy, the brand broke through with their messages and generated measurable results.