Katz Radio Group

Radio Impacts Online Engagement and Lead Conversion

Written by Admin | Oct 1, 2020 5:00:00 PM

Medical Supplies Company • Web Lift

A Medical Supplies Company turned to radio for the first time with the goal of increasing consumer engagement with their website and call center. The Company partnered with Katz Radio Group for a campaign during the summer of 2020, running :15 spots on 7 stations across ownership groups in the Company’s home market. 

Katz worked with AnalyticOwl to match radio log times with the Company's proprietary data to measure the the benefit of using radio to drive web traffic, calls, and checkouts. The study provided a holistic, market-wide, view of the campaign performance for the client. 


Radio drove a +4% lift in web traffic, averaging 18 visitors per spot airing. Radio-attributed sessions were “stickier” and more engaged than others, lasting +38% longer and with a +6% better bounce rate. Looking at on-air days vs off-air, the Medical Supplies Company's site saw +40% more web traffic on days when radio spots aired. 64% of all web traffic during the radio campaign were new visitors to the site. 



Not only did radio-attributed visits prove more engaged, they also proved more fruitful for the Medical Supplies Company. According to AnalyticOwl's findings, the radio campaign led to a +4.1% lift in total lead conversions, including a +4.2% lift in calls, and +3.8% lift in online checkouts. 

AnalyticOwl's results provided the Medical Supplies Company with evidence that radio was instrumental in achieving their goals of increasing consumer engagement with their website and call center. The radio campaign boosted the number of consumers engaging with the website, the quality of those engagements, and helped turn leads into sales.