Katz Radio Group

Radio Impacts Independent Voters in Swing States

Written by Admin | Sep 12, 2024 2:53:41 PM

Presidential Campaign • Political Brand Lift

With the first, and potentially only, presidential debate successfully under their belts, Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump must continue to engage and win over voters across the country. High on both candidates' lists of voters to court are independents - especially those in battleground states that will undoubtedly play important roles in deciding the Presidency. 

Harris has been using radio in earnest since August to connect with voters in key swing states. According to a new Katz study, she is well on her way to securing these crucial voters with the help of her radio campaign.


Katz surveyed voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin and found that voters in these key swing states are receptive to candidates using radio to connect with them. 63% of voters in battleground states feel that radio ads are a good way for Harris to grow her familiarity among swing state voters. And 66% of the voters surveyed believe that it is smart for her to be using radio tell voters why she deserves their vote. 

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Looking at the crucial independent voters in these battleground states, Katz's study found that Harris' radio campaign is positively impacting voter sentiment and helping to secure votes. Independents exposed to the radio campaign are +4% more likely to have a favorable opinion of Harris as a presidential candidate, compared to those who haven't heard it. And voter intention among the radio campaign-exposed independent voters is +6% higher for Harris.

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Candidates using radio to court independent voters can be confident they are reaching receptive and responsive listeners in key battleground states. Investing in radio helps secure their place in a politically uncluttered environment where they are able to connect with voters with an outsized share of voice. Every percentage point counts during elections, and radio is proven to make a positive impact among independents in swing states. 

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