Katz Radio Group

Radio Earns High Marks for Higher Education

Written by Admin | Aug 8, 2024 3:36:08 PM

University • Web Lift

A University partnered with Katz Radio Group on an AM/FM radio campaign to promote one of their academic programs and increase online engagement. The 5-month campaign included a mix of :30 and :15 spots running on several stations in a key market. Katz Analytics, powered by LeadsRx, provided campaign measurement, matching radio log times to the University's web data to track radio’s impact on web engagement in the market.


The study found that the radio campaign successfully drove traffic to the University's site, resulting in an incremental +22.3% lift in web traffic attributed to radio. All pieces of radio creative contributed to the traffic, with :15s and :30 spots generating an equal share of attributed web sessions. The University experienced +7% higher daily web sessions during radio’s on-air days compared to off-air days, which including a 6-week hiatus, signifying a measurable boost in online activity during the weeks that radio ads were running.  

Click gray circle to enlarge chart.


The study provided the University with evidence that the radio campaign was effective at driving online engagement and interest in their academic program. The stations delivered listeners that were in-category and receptive to messaging promoting higher education programs.