Katz Radio Group

A Return to Experiential Marketing 2023

Written by Lisa Cirigliano | Jun 6, 2023 7:00:00 AM

Who could have anticipated the public health crisis that followed just 5 months after my original blog on measuring experiential marketing back in October 2019, and how it has changed the way we live, work, and play? But as Charles Darwin was quoted as saying “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change,” and so we must continually adapt and change to thrive.

In the post-COVID era, consumers' desire to return to their favorite leisure pastimes will continue to drive growth in the Leisure and Entertainment category, even with the effects of inflation.  Out-of-home activities for 2023 is forecasted to grow +41% from 2017 and +12% from 2022, with the greatest increases coming from live performances, sporting events and activity-specific venues.

                           Interactive Chart                                                                                                                                                  Interactive Chart



An analysis of MRI-Simmons latest release shows that consumers who have attended food/beverage or music festivals over the past year engage more with radio than any other traditional media across multiple age groups, proving that radio is the tool to reach these active consumers. 

                                                                                                 Interactive Chart



Among 18+ consumers, an MRI-Simmons analysis shows 42% are more likely to buy products from companies that advertise or sponsor events in their community and 50% would more likely buy a brand that supports a cause they care about, building a halo effect for sponsors. Couple that with radio’s strength in engaging with listeners, and you get a winning combination, helping advertisers build emotional connections and loyalty through audience interactions and engagement.


Radio’s reach still out-delivers any other medium, engaging with 92% of the P18+ U.S. population each month, and radio personalities are the #originalmediainfluencers with 60% of Adult 18+ AM/FM radio listeners who site the main reason they listen is because of the DJ/Host/Shows they listen to. Nielsen Audience Insights, December 2022; Jacobs Media Techsurvey 2023

Brands are always looking to build stronger connections with consumers as well as drive growth. And as people become more comfortable engaging in group leisure activities, there’s no better opportunity than partnering with a medium with strong roots in local communities. Event sponsorships offer marketers a great opportunity for immersive elements, allowing consumers to engage with brands using all senses. Whether a festival, music concert, charity, or self-enriching event, no medium can bring consumers and brands together with turnkey activation, in an environment that fuels meaningful connections with consumers, and can showcase brands better than Radio!